"Separation doesn't just happen, it's an accumulation of unresolved issues and unmet needs"
We want to offer you simple solutions and equip you with powerful tools that will enable you to gain a deeper sense of connectivity with others. There is an effective and proven method that permits you to deeply express yourself without creating unnecessary tension. Our experienced team will teach you how to resolve problems that seem insurmountable and help you rebuild trust with your partner, family member or co worker using the Core Communication technic.
Workshops / Only $499.95 Per Couple (2 Books per Couple)
Over 700,000 couples have used these research-based tools to strengthen and grow their relationships. Our instructors will use their experience and expertise to help you put these concepts and skills to work in your everyday life.
Core Communication You learn 11 skills that improve every aspect of your life — with your partner, your family and friends, and with people at work and elsewhere.
OUR GOALPrioritizing and protecting what is most valuable! |
Instructors Daniel & Bora Pageau 4845 Imperial St Burnaby BC One Love Academy International E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (778) 885-4962 |